12 events found.
Friendship Force World Conference Croatia
There are pre and post activities. Visit the Conference Website.
Stash the Trash in Ames
Meet at west side of Texas Roadhouse.
FFCI at Senior Expo at Gateway
Wear FFCI shirts and distribute FFCI informational materials.
International Potluck
FFCI International Potluck Dinner will be held May 13th. Event limited to 20 FFCI members, so RSVP to Marybeth soon. Bring a dish that reflects your cultural heritage, or any international cuisine you would enjoy sharing.
All Iowa Picnic Homestead IA
Hosted by FF of Cedar Rapids-Iowa City
Afternoon at Cellar Winery with Ronley King Blues Band
See July 5 Email from Alta
“Oh Boy” Full Day Clear Lake Trip
RSVP to Dot by July 10. $10 Surf Ballroom tour, $16 Lady of the Lake paddleboat guided tour, $ supper at Half Moon Inn Supper Club. More details in July August Newsletter posted on this website.